Saturday, November 21, 2009

Brilliant Things Teachers Do and Stupid Mistakes They Make With Technology

Doug Johnson discussed things teachers do with technology. The first one was to make conferencing real-time. It is one important component of networking. This encourages parental involvement. Particularly, I enjoy e-mails. This is a way of allowing parents and teachers to keep in touch at their own discretion. It is very easy to get behind in everyday tasks and e-mails are accessible anytime.

Also, accepting the role of co-learner is very important. It has been addressed in EDM 310 that willingness to learn is an important part of becoming a good teacher. The teacher can learn from the teachers as well as teach them, too.

They can make stupid mistakes. First, not monitoring student's behaviors on the web is a bad mistake. As a teacher, you have to control what the student is accessing on the web. There is still a small chance that students can get around internet blockers on the school computers. If the student does something he or she should not, it can be traced back to your e-mail address and you can be held accountable.

Secondly, another mistake is believing online communication is private. Personal messages can be posted and will appear on the web for a long time. This situation is very common on my Facebook page. For instance, the chat history shows everything that has been exchanged between chatters for a long period of time. If you would like to view Doug Johnson's post,click here.

1 comment:

  1. I found these lists to be very interesting. Hope you are having a nice break!
