Monday, October 12, 2009

Richard Miller: This is How We Dream

I watched Richard Miller: This is How We Dream, Parts 1 and 2. These movies were very influential in encouraging me to prepare to use multimedia in my lesson plans. Sometimes, pictures and videos enhance the students' comprehension of the classroom material. This allows students to visualize the subject-at-hand along with hearing, listening, and reading a topic.

I will be teaching a high school English class. English is a subject that does not change very much and it has some aspects of history included. There may be new literature added, but all of the old literature stays the same. Today's students may find literature to be foreign and strange material. They can get a better understanding of the topic with the enhancement of multimedia in the classroom.

The students can learn from their peers as well. In this class, we used multimedia to create pod- casts and presentations. I would like to see my future students create presentations of a literature stories for the class. I could assign a topic for each student to be presented throughout the school year. If the students know beforehand what their topic is, this will give everyone ample time to create their projects. The students who are more tech literate can collaborate with the ones that don't know that much about multimedia technology. Also, students may use information and ideas available on iTunes to assist in their presentations. Originality has to be an important component of the project.

1 comment:

  1. As I said in my comment on the post above, we must become teachers who can teach our to students to be contributors to a multimedia world, not just consumers.
