Saturday, September 26, 2009

What I've Learned This Year?

In What I've Learned This Year, Mr. McClung discussed different ways to deal with students and teachers while remaining positive. He discussed his experiences about reading the crowd, flexibility, communication, being reasonable, listening to students, technology, and continue to learn. This post explains how beneficial it is for the teacher to work with the students in order for them to learn. He tells from experience that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Also, we are reminded that a teacher has to be willing to continuously learn new things.

Mr. Clung's comments were very encouraging to me. I am not a very outspoken person and make mistakes. Oftentimes, I feel like my mistakes are worse than they appear. He said nobody is perfect and that was a big confidence booster for me. Also, I realize that teaching will be a growing and continuous learning process.

1 comment:

  1. Teaching is a challenge because things are always changing. Teachers wo resist change are not going to be good teachers. In fact, they are not good teachers now.
